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Research Papers are invited from prospective physicians, academicians, researchers and practitioners in the field of clinical medicine who endeavor to promote development and research of ayurveda through their authentic and scientific research publications.

2nd international seminar/workshop on  “Wellness through Ayurveda” souvenir shortly to be published and launched in the inaugural session (3rd Oct 2015 Saturday) of International Seminar ‘Wellness through Ayurveda’-2015″ Rishikesh, India. The papers (based on clinical subject specifically) are invited on or before 31 August 2015. Our screening committee will screen and select the paper which will be published in the Souvenir. After 31st August 2015 no papers will be accepted. Registration as delegate is mandatory for publication of papers.

Send it directly to email: ayushdarpan@gmail.com

Researchers may submit-

  1. Original research articles Randomized control trials, intervention studies, diagnostic tests, outcome and case control studies and surveys with high response rates (max 4 pages)
  2. Review articles Systemic critical assessment of literature and data sources (max 4 pages)
  3. Case studies New / interesting cases of clinical significance (max 2 pages)
  4. Short communications Conceptual studies, innovative hypothesis and observations (max 500 words)
  5. AbstractsMax 250 words.

Every submission is expected to fulfill the desired format and style, written in good English, should be comprehensive, to the point and complete. It is essential that the authors prepare their manuscripts according to the desired specifications. The authors are thus strongly encouraged to read the instructions carefully before preparing the manuscripts. The submissions should be checked carefully for grammatical errors.

The final decision to accept a contribution rests entirely with the editorial committee and the Editor in chief, which reserves the right to make alterations in the submissions. Manuscript should be prepared on A4 size page with margins of 2 cm on all sides and 1.5 line spacing. Font should be Times New Roman with font size 12 in English. Title should be in font size 16, bold faced capitals; single spacing throughout including graphs, tables and figures. All section titles should be in font size 12, bold faced capitals, subtitles in font size 12 bold faced lower case. Standard International Units should be used throughout the text.

The text should be arranged in the following order: Title page, abstract, introduction, material and methods, results, discussion, references, acknowledgements, figures and tables along with titles. The paper must have the following format with all numerical headings.


Should be brief, do not use abbreviations in the title or abstract and limit their use in the text. Complete author names, address of each author for correspondence, the contact nos. and mail id should be given. Numbering should start sequentially from the title page.


Abstract should be written clearly not exceeding 250 words. The abstract should indicate the main aims and objectives, the main findings, significant content of the paper and the principle conclusions. The statistical test conducted should be mentioned.

Key words and Phrases:

A maximum of 6 key words should be given to identify the most important subjects covered by the article. Authors are advised not to hyphenate words.


A concise preview is required which should indicate its significance and its relation to earlier work clearly indicating the references. The subject should not be described extensively in the introduction.

Materials and methods:

This should be presented with clarity and detail. This section should include concise details on the method adopted, the nomenclature, source of material and procedures should be clearly stated. Clinical trials should be done in accordance with the ICMR protocols or approved by the Institutional Ethical Committee.


The original and important findings should be stated in a logical manner. Results must be precise and should be illustrated with figures and tables. If this is an experimental study the data should be statistically analyzed and level of significance should be given.


It should contain critical review of the study with the support of relevant literature. The main conclusions drawn from the results and their implications should be indicated.


In citing references to research papers names and initials of authors should be followed, in order by the full title of the paper, the abbreviated title of the paper (italicized), volume number and the year (within circular brackets).

Dr.Swastik Jain

B.A.M.S, MBA, M.Phil (Healthcare & Hospital Administration)

Medical Officer In-charge, 

Ayurvedic & Unani Services, Uttarakhand Government, (India)

Member Souvenir Committee


For further Details Download the Brochure 

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